
[摘 要]:研究了9种杀虫剂对棉铃虫的田间药效及对棉田主要天敌的影响。试验结果表明:2.5%高效氟氯氰菊酯[菊酯是灭蚊产品的主要成分,是一种能够有效杀死蚊蝇的农药,有天然菊酯及化学合成菊酯。]乳油[乳油是农药制剂的一种,它是将较高浓度的有效成分溶解在溶剂中,加乳化剂而成的液体。]和40%久效磷乳油速效性较好,药后第1天和第3天的防效分别为78.7%、72.2%和82.1%、81.5%;8000UI·㎎-1苏芸金杆菌[杆菌一般呈正圆柱形,也有近卵圆形的,菌体大多平直,亦有稍弯曲的,菌体两端多钝圆,少数是平截状或尖突状。]可湿性粉剂[粉剂(Dustpowder,DP)是将原药、大量的填料(载体) 及适当的稳定剂一起混合粉碎所得到的一种干剂。]的速效性最差,药后第1天和第3天的防效分别为28.5%和38%。1.8%阿维菌素乳油的持效性最好,药后第7天的防效仍高达94.7%;8000UI·㎎-1苏芸金杆菌可湿性粉剂的持效性最差,药后第7天的防效仅为72.4%。25%硫双威可湿性粉剂对棉花顶芽和蕾铃的保护效果最好,分别为89.8%和82.4%;40%辛硫磷乳油的保顶保蕾效果最差,分别为66.4%和62.7%。但2.5%高效氟氯氰菊酯乳油和4.5%高效氯氰菊酯乳油对天敌种群数量的影响较大,8000UI·㎎-1苏芸金杆菌可湿性粉剂和5%氟铃脲乳油影响较小。



Abstract: We studied the evaluation of the efficacy of 9 insecticides to the Cotton bollworm and the influence on its main natural enemy in the cotton field. The results showed that 2.5% lambda-cyhalothrin EC and 40% monocrotophos EC had good quick results, control effectiveness on the first day and the third day after spraying was 78.7%、72.2% and 82.1%、81.5% respectively. The quick results of 8000UI·㎎-1 baciuns thuringiensis WP was the least, it’s control efficacy on the first day and third day after spraying was only 28.5% and 38% respectively. From the view of lasting results, 1.8% abamectin EC was the best one, it’s control efficacy on the seventh day still was up to 94.7%; 8000UI·㎎-1 baciuns thuringiensis WP was the worst one, it’s control efficacy on the seventh day was only 72.4%. 25% endosulfan EC protected the cotton terminal buds and cotton bolls successfully, it’s control efficacy was 89.8% and 82.4% respectively; 40% phoxim EC was the worst, it’s control efficacy was 66.4% and 62.7% respectively. But the 2.5% lambda-cyhalothrin EC and 4.5% beta-cypermethrin EC had serious effect on the quantities of natural enemies, 8000UI·㎎-1 baciuns thuringiensis WP and 5% hexafluron EC were safe to the main natural enemies.

Keywords: insecticide; Cotton bollworm; efficacy of insecticide; natural enemy