核心提示:据欧盟食品[食品,指各种供人食用或者饮用的成品和原料以及按照传统既是食品又是中药材的物品,但是不包括以治疗为目的的物品。]安全局[ 此条目暂无内容,欢迎您参与编辑,享受分享知识的乐趣。](EFSA)消息,2019年11月25日,欧盟食品安全局就活性[活性:原来是从溶液离子的活动度和酶的活性开始,上至高级生命系统和生理机构的功能活动都适用的一种极其概括的非专门术语。]物质代二甲基二硫醚(dimethyl disulfide)的农药风险评估发布同行评审。
食品伙伴网讯 据欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,2019年11月25日,欧盟食品安全局就活性物质代二甲基二硫醚(dimethyl disulfide)的农药风险评估发布同行评审。
经过评估,在将二甲基二硫醚作为胡萝卜和番茄杀线虫剂、杀真菌剂和除草剂的基础上,欧盟食品安全局提出了适用于监管[ 解释 监管 jiāng uǎn 监视看管罪犯。]风险评估的可靠端点,列出了监管框架要求的缺失信息。部分原文报道如下:
The conclusions of EFSA following the peer review of the initial risk assessments carried out by the competent authority of the rapporteur Member State France for the pesticide active substance dimethyl disulfide are reported. The context of the peer review was that required by Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The conclusions were reached on the basis of the evaluation of the representative uses of dimethyl disulfide as a nematicide, fungicide and herbicide on carrot (field use) and on tomato (greenhouse application)。 The reliable endpoints, appropriate for use in regulatory risk assessment, are presented. Missing information identified as being required by the regulatory framework is listed. Concerns are identified.
来源: 食品伙伴网