摘要:1.你喜欢种花吗,你有宠物吗,写一篇80字的英语作文,介绍你喜欢的某 What animals do you like best in your mind? Is it a cat? A dog? Is the small white rabbit。? Do you know what I like? I like the dog that is the closest to you.Although the mother did not let me keep a pet, but in


What animals do you like best in your mind? Is it a cat? A dog? Is the small white rabbit。

? Do you know what I like? I like the dog that is the closest to you.Although the mother did not let me keep a pet, but in the back of my house with a dog, I school can be to see it, as long as a school, I with my classmates to see it, its yellow hair long, thin; bright eyes, looks very fierce, my classmates and I often feel it looks like angry; he looks very smart, we talk, it seems to understand, I said: “shake hands!” , and it reached out to shake my hand.As long as I’m close to my classmates, it’s “Wang.”! Wang!” Two, as if to greet us, say hello. Sometimes, it’s called a particularly loud, it’s called “protest”! Protest!”. By hand touch it, it has many of the hair, but forward feeling when you have little CICI, back to touch the soft, very comfortable, is really a lovely dog!I hope we can have more time to look at it, and I hope you can take good care of the animals.在你的心中你最喜欢什么动物?是猫?是狗?是小白兔……?你知道我喜欢什么吗?我喜欢的是大家最亲近的小狗。虽然妈妈不让我养宠物,但在我家的后面有一只狗,我放学时就可以去看它,只要一放学,我就和同学去看它,它那黄色的毛长长细细的;眼睛亮亮的,看起来很大很凶,我和同学常常觉得它好像在生气;他看起来很聪明,我们在说话,它好像听得懂,我说:“握手!”,它就伸出手要跟我握手。


